Earlier this month I treated myself to a short (and socially distanced) staycation, right here on the Gold Coast of Long Island.
Not being able to travel and having to cancel vacations I had planned this year has been a bummer. Of course, safety first! So in lieu of a tropical desination, I looked no further than the island I call home. Literally within thirty minutes from where I live is all season beachfront oasis… practically in my back yard. For those who don’t know, being a Long Island resident affords me the opportunity to enjoy miles of shoreline, and although my area has reopened beaches (although opperating at half capacity), I still wanted the added security of a less populated space.
Typically known for being a desired local wedding venue, the place I visited had all the luxuries of the tropics including baby palms in the sand and all the insta worthy Caribbean inspired cocktails. Indulging on these simple pleasures while avoiding public transportation and air travel was such a treat and a welcomed break from the daily routine.
I got to try out my new swimwear finds, like this palm leaf one piece from Shein (seriously has to be the most afforable swimsuit I ever bought at only $13!). My beachy woven straw tote bag and heart shaped sunnies accessorized most of my outfits while there. Most of my time was spent taking in some sunshine, idulging in decadent eats and the occasional coconut infused cocktails that I seriously need to learn how to duplicate at home!
I packed more shoes than I ended up using, most of which were Sam Edelman slide sandals. I did take a dressier pair because I wanted a heel option. These espadrille platform heels from Revolve are more of a spurge than what I’m used to, but staycation vibes called for a little luxe in my wardrobe, lol.
I don’t know what the rest of this year is going to look like with no end of Covid posing a threat in site, but if you can safely enjoy your hometown for a staycation vibe change of pace, I can assure you it felt just as good as actually getting away!
