The journey of finding the next best sneaker is ongoing, because I can never have enough options! As promised, I will continue to share my latest sneaker purchases as I receive them because popular styles sell out so quickly.
So recently I experienced that excitement a few times over with some new additions to my sneaker family, lol. Where as some people hoard handbags or designer shoes, collecting sneakers is a years long passion of mine. To start, I rounded up some of my favorite new releases and Spring collection drops in a curated collage for some quick comparisons in colorways and silhouettes, but today I will be sharing a more in depth look at some pairs I actually purchased.
First off I snagged these leopard New Balance 327s. Although I have owned countless New Balance sneakers in the past, this particular style is new to me. The brand is has successfully re-imagined itself with this one, as it has been a consistently trending style. They feature suede and nylon construction, are lightweight and breathable for added comfort and a casual aesthetic. The Heritage design is inspired by 70’s vintage vibes and the oversized logo adds a notable graphic element.
My other favorite Adidas style, the NMD R1’s, also released a camo style that I couldn’t resist. The print is a classic in my opinion, made modern with a more technological print. I went with the traditional green camo NMDs as well as the black and gray camo NMD option (to pair with my all-black New Yorker uniform of course, lol). These sneakers are constructed of a stretchy knit upper, which is so comfortable it feels like you’re wearing socks but molded heel patch gives you extra support and stability. A favorite style of mine for good reason!
Last but not least are my newest Nike Air Max 270s in the Pink Oxford and Burnt Sunrise colorway. I love this sneaker so much, I own four pairs! I love their sporty aesthetic and they are beyond comfortable with their extra-large air unit and comfy foam midsole that offer plush cushioning with every step. The stretchy inner sleeve also makes them feel like you’re wearing socks….clearly I have a type, lol.
All solid options….which is your fave?
