If you have been around for any length of time you will know and understand my love of sneakers. Although I am not brand loyal, I do have favorites, and in full transparency New Balance has been my longest love. The obsession with collecting kicks started years ago as a teen with a classic retro style of New Balance sneakers and the rest is history. Whereas some people like to collect designer bags or shoes, adding to my sneaker collection is more my lane.
So for this sneaker edition installment, I will be sharing some of my favorite New Balance styles that have been in steady rotation in my wardrobe, (some of them for years). The brand is known for the comfort their styles provide, and I can attest all of the pairs featured today have gotten full day wears and all live up to that hype.
Starting with my first pair that I styles for a casual travel day are these New Balance Fresh Foam Roav sneakers. This style features an ultra-cushioned, lightweight feel that offer your foot a snug, supportive fit; perfect for hustling through the airport to catch a flight! I love the sleek design that stands out from my more retro style pairs and can easily see this one being a new classic; already own three pairs!
Next up are these “bleach blue” New Balance 997H sneakers. This style is described as “a progressive, next-generation sidekick to the cult-classic 997.” This pair gives all the 90’s vibes, and very much remind me of my first ever pair of NBs. The 997H celebrates the brand’s heritage, and the fun color ways offered lets you rock your style just how you like!
If you’re like me and buy sneakers more for casual outfits than for working out, all of the pairs shared in today’s post are solid picks and would make a great gift for the sneaker lover in your life!
