If you have been around for any length of time you will know and understand my love for cute and trend sneakers. Whereas some like to collect designer bags, adding to my sneaker collection is more up my alley. I have mentioned on many occasion my love of Adidas sneakers (as I shared in this post), but today I am sharing all of my New Balance sneaker loves that I currently own.
As with any collection, there are always some stand out favorites. For obvious reasons, (at least when it comes to The House of Sequins), these leopard print sneakers have been a repeated go to this fall. I love the throwback silhouette updated with the trendy print, and the camel/black combo is perfect for the season. If the allover print is too much for you, the retailer recently added these cream with leopard trim x-70 sneakers, offering a more neutral and wearable option. And if I’m being honest, I think this pair is next on my list! 🙂
If I had to choose, based simply by the amount of wear I have gotten out of them already, my second fave pair are these 997h V1 sneakers. It might very well be the black on gray with blush color way that has me coming back for more. Honestly the color combo sums up my everyday wardrobe, so it’s been an easy reach of a pair since I got them. I mean, look how cute the blush pops against the muted black and gray outfit?!
If you’re like me and buy sneakers more for casual outfits than for working out, all of the pairs shared in today’s post are solid picks and would make a great gift for the sneaker lover in your life!
