Unlike their seasonal counterparts like sandals and boots, I love sneakers for their year-round versatility. And if you have been following me for any length of time, you’ll know I hoard sneakers like others collect manolos, lol.
With every new season, I always like to check the latest arrivals for some of my favorite brands, namely Adidas and Nike with a special lookout for my go-to styles. Adidas NMDs, Nike Air Max 90 and Air Max 270, are always no-brainer, solid options for me, but I will always check out anything with fun accents or eye catching colorways that would add flare to a monochromatic look. And of course it’s always hard for me to resist anything leopard print, so I made sure to include some of those in this roundup as well.
As someone who is always looking to score items for less, I try whenever possible to snag pricier styles at a discount, so I am always scouring places like DSW or Nordstrom Rack, as well as taking advantage of bigger sales directly from each brand’s website. But like I am always saying, good style doesn’t have to break the bank, so I rounded up some great options, all under $50!
If you’re warming up to wearing the casual look as a viable style aesthetic, be on the lookout for some of the season’s hottest trends. All things Retro is in. The Vintage vibe made it’s comeback and it’s not going anywhere, and the trend lends itself to some of the more comfortable styles. Think retro materials like suede and canvas along with cool colorways and designer logos from years past.
Colorful sneakers are also on trend. It’s an easy way to add a burst of personality with little effort while also adding some color when we’re still in the dark, dreary winter months. There’s a whole science with designing colorways and almost every brand has embraced color in new and interesting ways and it’s fun way to express yourself. What does your sneaker personality look like?
