Is anyone else excited for this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend? I know I sure am! The only down fall of it being Thanksgiving week is that I finally decided after two years of being off weight watchers that it’s time to get back on. This year only I have gained back about 12lbs of the 40ish that I already lost with them. Which only means it’s time to get my butt back on track and start back up on weight watchers again! Better to start now before the holiday’s to control myself from stuffing my face like crazy! As my life and the blog have become very busy and stressful, dieting has kind of taken a backseat in my life. I know most people don’t believe me when I tell them that there was a time in my life that I was chubby. I don’t think I was fat when I was at my biggest but losing 45 pounds is well, almost like losing the weight of my dog bear. As many people know I have struggled like most people with gaining and losing weight. It has pretty much been a constant battle my whole life and my hope for the new years is that I can inspire others to lose weight with me on this journey ahead. I will be adding a all new recipe and beauty bar section to the blog this week. Join my wolf pack and subscribe to the blog for daily updates, beauty tips and recipes. As I always say ” what the hell I’m not driving”. What do we all have to lose but a couple of pounds together!